Taking a teamwork approach to grantsmanship

The primary role of the OSRP is to facilitate each of the steps in the grant process and to serve as a liaison between academic departments and administrative offices throughout all phases of a grant project. We invite you to contact an OSRP staff member at any stage in the process or to schedule an introductory meeting prior to starting the process.

During the grant proposal process, the faculty or staff member identified as the project initiator, or Principal Investigator, carries the main content expert and writing responsibilities. Additionally, the PI is typically considered the project director for awarded grants and is therefore responsible for ensuring that objectives and outcomes are met according to the proposal.

Upon notification of a grant award, the OSRP ensures that the grant notifications and contracts reflect appropriate budgets and activities and are signed by the appropriate institutional representatives. The Grants and Contracts Manager in Accounting Services is responsible for ensuring that grant funds and related expenses are properly applied within the University’s accounting structure. Detailed annual and financial reports are provided by the PI based upon a schedule consistent with the reporting guidelines of the grant-making agency. The OSRP and Sponsored Projects Accounting and Compliance Office (SPAC) assist the PI with their reporting responsibilities as needed.

Explore the grant process before beginning a proposal

Read the funding announcement to help determine if this is a good fit for your project

Please contact the OSRP office as soon as you decide to pursue a proposal

A timeline helps to identify, organize, and prioritize tasks, forms, and approvals

All proposals require common elements working together to make the case for funding

Think of your budget as the financial description of your project

Proposals may only be submitted by OSRP Authorized Organization Representatives (AOR)

Office of Sponsored Research and Programs

Supporting faculty and staff fundraising goals

Office Location:
1041 Ninth Street Park, Auraria Campus, Denver

Contact Information

Mailing Address:
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Office of Sponsored Research and Programs (OSRP)
Campus Box 4
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362